Kashi Panchkarma Hospital
Kashi Pancha Karma Hospital (Kashi Panchkarma & Ayurvedic Hospital) was established during March 2003 by Dr. Vijay Singh Rana. After obtaining degree in Ayurveda and special training in Pancha Karma therapy, he took decision to establish a centre to make people free from diseases caused by toxin created in the body due to unwhole some intakes and imbalance bodily Activities of Sense organs.
Ayurveda (Ayu = life. veda-knowledge = Sience lite) is a complete System of medicine it is not an alternetive medicine. Ayurveda system of medicine started from Zygot(Sperm-ovum) to complete cure upto old age. All system is documented by our Acharyas: and they wrote so many text book for all aspects of health/life.
Now a days time come to rethink and renovation of Ayuredic thought is all aspect of life. Modern medicine fail to provide of complete health solution.
दोषा: कदाचित कुप्यनित जिता लंघनपाचनै: |
जिता: संशोधनैये तु न तेषां पुनरुदभव: ||
आयु - Life
वेद - Knowledge / Wisdom of Universe Soul
Wisdom / Knowledge of life is termed as "Ayurveda"
आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा शास्त्र के साथ - साथ जीवन शास्त्र भी है |